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          The most intense problem of the people in this time of the century is not having internet, but this is not to be last for long an non profit organisation based from New York,  Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF)  has started with an idea and are going to implement it. The company is planning to build a  network of cube satellites to provide every one with internet.

         They have started this campaign for people from the remote places in the world so that they will get every news ASAP and will be at top of the world in the trend of the world and updated of the latest happening. The project  proposed is to send number of cube satellites into the atmosphere and they will pool up and will be every around the planet, ranging from remote villages in Africa to the most modern cities like New York or London. All the data to and from the satellites will be passing through ground stations.
        This project will be helpful for many people around the world but the catch is that we will not see this any time soon since the cost of building and sending the satellites are so expensive. Considering the 40% population of the world who are not able to use the internet MDIF has made its best and the satellites will be set to launch from summer of 2015. 


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